Free stuff to assist
Over time we’ve had to custom design tools and calculators to help us get our jobs done efficiently and effectively. We were taught that sharing was good, so have a look at what we have
While we take all care in providing accurate tools and calculators, our tools were designed for our internal needs, not for public consumption so we cannot guarantee their accuracy or their suitability to your circumstances.
Budget with Tax Estimator
One of the best things you can do to keep your cash flow under control is budget for and put money aside for your taxes (income tax, GST, PAYG Withholding, and superannuation). This spreadsheet does the heavy-lifting for you and simply spits out a figures of $x per week at the end for you to put aside.
PAYG Instalment Variation Calculator
When you want to vary your PAYG Instalment (the income tax figure), you have to fill out both the estimated tax for the year and the varied instalment – the problem is the ATO will change your instalment figure based on a formula. This spreadsheet will give you the figure you need to get the result you want.
Cashbook Template
Not ready for accounting software but want to keep track of your small business? Try our cashbook that will also track your GST